
Important This regular expression may have significant performance impact if used in an unrestricted way. MAP Catalogue FIND [A-Z]\d{5} WITHIN 200 pt of KEYWORD Catalogue\sRef MAP Description FIND ([\w.,\-\–'‘’"“”()£@$#+&%\/\\:;]\s?){1,200} WITHIN…


MAP candidate email FIND [A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4} WITHIN 200 pt of KEYWORD Contact MAP home phone FIND ((?:\+|00)(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*4){2}(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*0)?|0)((?:[\s\.\(\),-]*[1-9])(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*\d){9}) WITHIN 200 pt of KEYWORD \bH\b MAP mobile phone FIND ((?:\+|00)(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*4){2}(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*0)?|0)((?:[\s\.\(\),-]*[1-9])(?:[\s\.\(\),-]*\d){9}) WITHIN 200 pt…

Order Form

MAP UnitPrice FIND (https?:\/\/)?(www)?[A-Za-z0-9-\.]+\.(com|org|edu|gov|us|uk|net|ie|io)\/?[A-Za-z0-9\-_=\/?&\.]* WITHIN range W of RESULT Total MAP Total FIND (box)([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)(initials) WITHIN 300 pt E of RESULT UnitPrice MAP Cod FIND BatteredFish MAP Haddock FIND ChunkierBatteredFish

Order Table

MAP ItemNo FIND [A-Z]\s?(\d\s?){3} WITHIN 200 pt after KEYWORD Item MAP Quantity FIND (\d{1,4}\s?[.,]\s?)?\d{1,4} WITHIN 200 pt (SW S SE) of KEYWORD Quantity MAP Unit Price FIND (\d{1,4}\s?[.,]\s?)?\d{1,4} WITHIN 200…

Order Form

MAP Name FIND (box)([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)(initials) WITHIN 300 pt of KEYWORD Name MAP Date FIND {date} WITHIN 200 pt after KEYWORD Date WITHIN 200 pt before KEYWORD Name MAP Customer ID FIND…